Aeroponics Hellas P.C., is an innovative startup company that is based in the city of Patras, Western Greece. It provides a leading know-how in aeroponics, the future cultivation technique, blending agricultural traditions and the passion for high quality fruits and veggies with scientific cutting-edge technology.
We developed the «Automated Aeroponic Plant Growing System», which overcomes different environmental difficulties such as extreme temperatures and limited water resources. Our low cost aeroponic growing system is adapted to Mediterranean climate conditions and extreme arid or semiarid environments.
It offers faster harvest cycles and maximum yields with limiting environmental impact, producing year-round vegetables and fruits of exceptional organoleptic quality and taste.
Our vision is to design and build commercial Aeroponic Farms that will produce pesticides free vegetables and fruits with excellent quality and taste, enjoying premium prices.
Our ambition is also to contribute to the sustainable agriculture by improving nutrient recycling, water management, biodiversity, the CO2 balance and the environmental awareness of the land and city inhabitants. Our company aspires via R&D to develop and offer at a Global level innovative systems and integrated solutions in the explosively growing field of Agriculture of the future for land and space.