3rd Open Call for Cross-Domain Technology Transfer Experiments – Last SMART4ALL Open Call!

The last SMART4ALL Call is now OPEN!

The 3rd Open Call for Cross-domain Technology Transfer Experiments (CTTE) opened on 21st of October.

4 more CTTE proposals that involve technology transfer focusing on Customized Low-Energy Computing (CLEC) for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and the Internet of Things (IoT) will be funded with up to 80,000 € (lump sum) each.

CTTEs are short-term (9 months) experiments that target the formation of cross-border synergies aiming to complex multidisciplinary transfers and productization of novel CLEC CPS and the IoT technologies to wider markets.

Areas of application/ Domains:

 Digitized agriculture

 Digitized transport

 Digitized environment

 Digitized everything

Applicants can be:

– Universities or Academic Institutions

– SME and Slightly Bigger Companies

Consortia composed of three different entities from at least two different countries including one Academic/Industrial partner who acts as a Technology Provider of a novel technology, an Industrial partner acting as a Technology Receiver/ early-adopter and one Industrial productization partner to extend the value chain.

The consortium composition can be as follows:

Consortium compositionEntity 1: Technology provider Software IntegratorsEntity 2: Technology ReceiverEntity 3: Productizer
Type of entityUniversities and other Academic Institutions/ Industrial (SME and Slightly Bigger Companies)Industrial (SME and Slightly Bigger Companies)Industrial (SME and Slightly Bigger Companies)

The partners shall apply together as a consortium. The leading partner must always have an Industrial partner status (SME or Slightly Bigger company).

Αpplicant consortia must include at least one member from one of the SEE countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Serbia)or Ukraine (except Greece) to beeligible.

Deadline: January 17th, 2023 at 17:00 CET.

For submitting your application (through a simple application form) please visit: https://bit.ly/3SsAgKU

Guide for Applicants, FAQs and budget template are available at SMART4ALL Application Kit. FAQs are also available translated into local languages here

Press release

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Evangelia Gralista

Web Design Internship

Evangelia Gralista from Trikala,Greece is in her senior year at University of Patras in the department of mathematics. She is currently working as a web design intern at Patras Science Park (PSP).

Vicky Tomara

Development Director

Vicky studied Business Administration at Athens University of Economics and Business and she got a M.B.A. from University of Patras. Her experience and background focus on supporting businesses-academia partnerships. Especially, she has been primarily activated in innovation supporting tools, while she worked in the past as an economist and research project manager in the industry. She has a good knowledge of the Greek innovation ecosystem actors, including academia, research institutes, regional and central governmental organizations, entrepreneurs and industry. She contributed to the launch and development of the Innovation and Technology Transfer Office of the University of Patras where she served as a Technology Transfer Consultant for 4 years. She acted as the principal organizational officer on behalf of the University of Patras for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Patras IQ Innovation Exhibition. Also, she contributed to the launch and development of the Technology Transfer Office of Patras Science Park and she involved in the building of the collaborative network between both CERN procurement and CERN Technology Transfer Group with the Greek start up community & enterprises. She is currently the Development Director in Patras Science Park, she is member of the Advisory Board of the Proof of Concept and she participates in the selection committee in various regional innovation competitions.