SMART4ALL Webinar on Competitive Proposal Preparation for 3rd FTTE Open Call September 15th, 2022, 10:30 – 12:00 (CEST)

SMART4ALL consortium is inviting all interested parties to register for the webinar dedicated to helping applicants to increase the quality and competitiveness of their proposals within the ongoing Open Call for Focused Technology Transfer Experiments (FTTE).

The webinar will cover the following topics:

  • SMART4ALL network of Digital Innovation Hubs
  • Overview of the 3rd Open Call for FTTE
  • Guidelines on competitive proposal preparation for SMART4ALL Open Calls
  • Testimonials from successful applicants from previous open calls

You can register for the webinar using the following link:

THERE IS NO REGISTRATION FEE FOR THE WEBINAR. Upon submission of this form you will receive the invitation link and the password to the webinar. The webinar registration will be open until September 14th, 2022 at 12:00 (noon) CEST.

DISCLAIMER: The capacity of the webinar is 500 participants and we accept the participants on the first come, first served basis. In case all seats are reserved prior to the registration deadline, we may opt to close the registration earlier.

Program of the webinar here

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Evangelia Gralista

Web Design Internship

Evangelia Gralista from Trikala,Greece is in her senior year at University of Patras in the department of mathematics. She is currently working as a web design intern at Patras Science Park (PSP).

Vicky Tomara

Development Director

Vicky studied Business Administration at Athens University of Economics and Business and she got a M.B.A. from University of Patras. Her experience and background focus on supporting businesses-academia partnerships. Especially, she has been primarily activated in innovation supporting tools, while she worked in the past as an economist and research project manager in the industry. She has a good knowledge of the Greek innovation ecosystem actors, including academia, research institutes, regional and central governmental organizations, entrepreneurs and industry. She contributed to the launch and development of the Innovation and Technology Transfer Office of the University of Patras where she served as a Technology Transfer Consultant for 4 years. She acted as the principal organizational officer on behalf of the University of Patras for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Patras IQ Innovation Exhibition. Also, she contributed to the launch and development of the Technology Transfer Office of Patras Science Park and she involved in the building of the collaborative network between both CERN procurement and CERN Technology Transfer Group with the Greek start up community & enterprises. She is currently the Development Director in Patras Science Park, she is member of the Advisory Board of the Proof of Concept and she participates in the selection committee in various regional innovation competitions.